
109 Game Reviews

16 w/ Responses

Very neat!

This is actually a really, really cool concept! Taking a basic maze game and adding computer controlled enemies that are actually capable of navigating the maze themselves is an original and fun idea.

The game itself could use a little polish; the ability to move outside the edge of the maze reduced the difficulty dramatically, and I found that I would try to take a corner but get hung up because I was running into said corner. Perhaps rounding off or adding angles to the crash boxes would fix that problem.

The graphical style was simplistic, and that in itself is not something to be criticized, but perhaps you could spruce it up slightly? Maybe make it look like something out of Tron by adding glowing edges and focusing on outlines rather than solid blocks of bright colour.

Awesome start, and I look forward to any modifications you make!


This game just makes me really, really happy for some reason.
I'm now extremely confused XD

Dear god...

This was a story delivered in a way literature cannot convey.
The slow, steady march towards strength... and when strength is at last yours, the discovery of the truth; the truth behind the lies you had simply taken for granted thus far. The panic of the combined story, music, and score at the end simply blew me away.

As a writer, I salute you, good sir. This is truly a masterpiece.

And to all those asking for a sequel... what made this game was its standalone, unique independence. What would it be if there was another just like it?

And I'm still shaking.


Literally moved me to tears.
I had Pilgrim work to the end of the line, and the way he looked at the end, even with the simplistic graphics of large pixels, you could just see the dedication. Or was it all in my head?

That's what's great about this game. Depending on which path you take, Pilgrim looks different to you. To me, he looked sad and exhausted, but determined to make one last crack at saving what was left. To someone who just went nuts and lived the party, he might have been wild-eyed and empty.

This game would be DESTROYED if you could play it twice, so people, stop bitching and appreciate a work of modern art.


Double Rainbow reference XD
What are the chances for that set to in the game? Once in a hundred? A thousand?

But on to the game.

It reminded me of a game I played here a while ago; Narcolyxii. You were a man trapped in a dream, and relived the same battle over and over again... but you could make subtle changes each time.

This had a similar premise; fight till the death again and again, but this time, added a layer of despair and hopelessness that I absolutely loved. The same would not have been true were it not for the quotes printed with each wave; those just made the game for me. It gave you an idea of the scope of your actions; the scope of the war. Paris nuked? Yeah. That kind of thing.

Brilliant game, mate.


There is a button to the stats page. You click on the tankman's face in the top left corner whenever you are in battle, and you will be taken there. This could have been more clearly mentioned, I agree, but both your argument and your score are rendered invalid.

Unfortunately, even with full functionality, this game is extremely repetitive and dull. Had different weapons brought in new and different attacks to wield against the enemy, and had the enemy had more than one attack, this would have been much better.

Pretty fun.

I wasted waaay too much of my life on this game XD

You can scroll the map using the WASD keys.

Pretty good.

The game was a fairly average defense game, the kind of which I have played many times before, and I must admit the pre-rendered graphics didn't work for me, but the score I gave was simply to counteract NotaRealname's bullshit.


Shut the fuck up.
I noted a similarity in the drop pod, but NOTHING else came even close to having been ripped off like you so arrogantly implied. The truth is there is a limited number of designs out there; stories, graphical features, etcetera, and no matter WHAT you do, you'll wind up sounding pretty much exactly like one of them. So why don't you haul your stupid ass back to whatever hole you crawled out of and try to imagine something original for yourself. Maybe even make your OWN game, god forbid! Prove to me you've got the grounding to make these accusations.

This game...

It nearly brought tears to my eyes it was so beautiful.

It was so different; so strange... but so familiar at the same time.

Dolly was my favorite part.

The character was beautiful and beautifully designed, with details that only became more evident the closer you looked. Those shadows under her eyes... is she tired, or sore from crying? She is different, and is singled out for it, but has come to learn what it is to survive.

I love this so much I would write a story based on it.

The only trouble with that would be the abstract nature of the main plot; the story arc, the ritual with the apple tree, is really all just a metaphor. It would be difficult to put into words. I'll PM you later, and we can discuss this if you'd like.

Tried animation, quickly learned it wasn't for me. So hey there, welcome to a writer's NG profile :) Message me if you're interested in a sample of my work, or my services, if I might be so bold.

Kaywen Atkinson @Mogget128723

Age 30, Female

Outside Plato's Cave

Joined on 4/2/09

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